
The Power of Using a Skills Portfolio

A hands-on course that guides you through critical concepts, principles and mindsets, and walks you through putting them into practice, in order to create and use your powerful Skills Portfolio (Career Portfolio).

Course content

Why create a Skills Portfolio?

If you've ever tried for a new job, promotion, raise or even had to go through an important performance evaluation and not achieved your goal, you are not alone.

Employers and associates alike are too often left wondering how to gauge the true skills and abilities of a candidate during one of these meetings.

Prospective employers wonder whether their new job candidates are actually able to perform the tasks they claim on their resumes and cover letters.

Employees assume their supervisors know what they've done all year, while supervisors and managers assume the employee will be able to articulate their full value at annual performance evaluations.

And promotions, raises, transfers and other career opportunities seem to go by the wayside as employees wonder how to get noticed and be given a chance to go further.

The problem in most cases is that none of us naturally excel at realizing, demonstrating and articulating our full value in these situations.

But take heart because a Skills Portfolio helps you provide "proof of performance," third-party validation and a way to organize, remember, articulate and present your skills in such a way as to make you stand out from the crowd and get noticed... which helps you get hired, get a raise or promotion, or simply get clarity on the desired direction and progress of your career.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • 2 hours of on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Certificate of completion